HL7 Implementation Guide

CareEvolution’s HIEBus™ system allows customers to send data to HIEBus via an HL7 v2 interface. This guide highlights which HL7 message elements are required by HIEBus, and will provide some background information to clarify how the HL7 data is transformed into HIEBus.

HL7 Standard Version

This document must be used in conjunction with the HL7 standard specification. The instructions in this companion guide are not intended to stand alone, and familiarity with the HL7 standard is expected.

HIEBus is tolerant in what it receives, and it does not validate the version value in MSH-12. This is by design so that HIEBus may accept messages constructed in accordance with other versions where the standard is backward compatible. However, where there are conflicts in the specification, Version 2.7 will be used.

Furthermore, although message types A18, A30, A34, A35, and A36 are no longer specified in Version 2.7, we will accept these messages in accordance with the message structure defined in Version 2.6; the segment specifications of Version 2.7 are still used in interpreting the segments (though in almost all cases there is no difference).